PR Grant Awards 2019-R4 Published on 6th January 2020

Helmsdale & District Highland Games Association was granted £5,000 towards costs to hold an enhanced 2020 Highland Games 40th anniversary event at Helmsdale in August 2020. The games will be an all day and evening event consisting of a full range of competitive highland games activities as well as numerous stalls showcasing crafts and artisan goods from the area. The enhanced games will also include tribal drumming performances, a high-profile ceilidh dance, a firework display and the production of a commemorative programme. The event will be open to all to attend, showcasing local produce and skills, promoting the Helmsdale and surrounding area and will attract visitors to the area.

Helmsdale & District Development Trust was awarded £30,000 towards the main build costs of refurbishing an existing old tennis court site situated in the village of Helmsdale into a modern two court multi-use all weather games area that will provide a major improvement to sport facilities for the area.

Pennyland School Parent Council was awarded £6,241.19 towards the costs of installing a polytunnel equipped with flooring, workbenches, raised beds, potting table and seed trays for the school children’s extra-curricular gardening club that will enable the club to grow a wider variety of vegetables, fruits and plants and to run activities all year round, irrespective of weather conditions. The benefits of the gardening club are to teach young people about food and nutrition, the environment and to encourage better and healthier lifestyles.

Lyth Arts Centre was awarded £27,330.00 towards costs of delivering a two-year young people education and engagement project that will deliver a programme of up to ninety artistic workshops annually in schools, community venues and at the arts centre, targeting young people in Caithness & North Sutherland using professional artists and practitioners. The project will also create a new part-time Outreach and Engagement Officer post to coordinate the workshops and develop the project to ensure that young people in Caithness & North Sutherland, particularly those from rural or disadvantaged areas have better opportunities to access a range of creative professional arts and culture activities and that talented young people can develop new skills and have access to development opportunities.

The CNSFund is funded by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and distributes money to community organisations for projects that will increase the attractiveness of Caithness and north Sutherland as a place to live, work and invest. The Fund has a particular emphasis on achieving environment, social, culture and infrastructure improvements. Applications are assessed on a quarterly basis and information on how to apply can be found at or by contacting the Fund Coordinator David Shearer on Tel: 07841 204 982.