PR Grant Awards 2018-R4 Published on 4th December 2018

Caithness Family History Society was awarded £1,500 towards the local family history society hosting the Scottish Association of Family History Societies 30th Annual National Conference and Family History Fair in Wick that will promote the local culture and history of Caithness.  The event is scheduled to be held in April 2019 at the Pulteney Centre in Wick, attracting visiting societies from across the country and will include a conference element, a visit to the Nucleus Nuclear & Caithness Archive and a public family history fair event.

MS Therapy Centre Wick was awarded £30,000 towards the refurbishment of the MS Therapy Centre building in Wick.  The refurbishment will include new roofing, windows, insulation and heating system.  Improvements to the internal layout will also be carried out to provide a modern welcoming facility that will enable the local charity to enhance its hyperbaric oxygen therapy services and accommodate other community health and wellbeing therapies to further develop community usage of the refurbished healing hub facility.

The CNSFund is funded by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and distributes money to community organisations for projects that will increase the attractiveness of Caithness and north Sutherland as a place to live, work and invest. The Fund has a particular emphasis on achieving environment, social, culture and infrastructure improvements.  Applications are assessed on a quarterly basis and information on how to apply can be found at or by contacting the Fund Coordinator David Shearer on  Tel: 07841 204 982.