PR-Grant Awards 2017-R3 Published on 3rd October 2017

The Caithness & North Sutherland Fund’s latest grant assessment round has awarded over £12k towards two development projects.

Thrumster Parent Council was granted £10,000 towards costs of creating a new all-weather surface multiuse games area in the village of Thrumster for both the local school and wider community to use. Rhona Gill, Thrumster Parent Council Chair said “Improvements to outdoor facilities for our young people is one of our priorities and we are delighted to have been awarded this funding to help us take our project forward. We now have all the funding in place for the project. The new facility will provide outdoor space for a range of multiple sports that includes football, hockey, basketball and tennis as well as creating an additional area designed for road safety training and cycling proficiency.”

Home-Start Caithness was granted £2,466 towards upgrading the charity’s outdated IT systems with new desktop computers and backup storage provision. Rosemary Smith, Home-Start Caithness Business Service Coordinator said “Our old IT system was becoming increasingly incompatible and an upgrade was essential in order for us to continue developing and delivering our family support services. We are grateful for this grant award towards installing a new modern IT system that will meet our future needs for many years to come.”

Frances Gunn, CNSFund Chair said “The CNSFund is pleased to be able to support these worthy projects as they will help to deliver a long term improvement impact. This year is also a significant milestone for the Fund as 2017 is half way through the Fund’s projected lifetime plan. Our AGM is being held at the end of October and we look forward to highlighting the Fund’s investment of the community benefit funding package at this interim stage of our programme.”

The CNSFund is funded by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and distributes funding to community organisations for projects that will increase the attractiveness of Caithness & North Sutherland as a place to live, work and invest with particular emphasis on achieving environment, social, culture and infrastructure improvements. Applications are assessed on a quarterly basis and information on how to apply can be found at or by contacting the Fund Coordinator David Shearer on Tel: 07841 204 982.